Methods of payment

Methods of Payment:

Members with an account in a bank residing in Germany:

  • Money transfer directly to the following account: Kontonummer: 159 313 600 Kreditinstitut: Deutsche Bank, Tübingen, Germany BLZ (Bankleitzahl): 640 700 24

Members from other European countries or members outside Europe:

  • Money transfer directly to the following account: Society for Histochemistry/Gesellschaft für Histochemie Credit Institute: Deutsche Bank, Tübingen, Germany IBAN: DE57 640 700 240 159 313 600 BIC (SWIFT): DEUT DE DB640

Please make also sure that all bank transfer costs are charged to the sender. Please do not forget to have your name and Society Fees for the Year “20..” For further information please contact the treasurer of the Society at