Status of the Robert Feulgen Prize of
the Society for Histochemistry

I. The Robert Feulgen Prize is awarded annually by the Society for Histochemistry for work of outstanding scientific merit in the field of microscopical histochemistry. It consists of a Certificate bearing the signature of the President and the Treasurer of the Society and a monetary award. The amount of the monetary award will be determined each year by the Board of the Society. The award may not be conferred more than once on the same scientist.
II. The prize is intended for the scientists in their mid-career, typically up to 10 years after obtaining the PhD degree, and not for lifetime contributions. Candidates for the Robert Feulgen Prize should have made a significant contribution towards the solution of a medical or biological problem. The contribution may take the form of either the development of histochemical or cytochemical or instrumental techniques or a well-founded critical application of established methods.
III. In support of their applications, candidates should submit, electronically, unpublished or published manuscripts in English, French or German. Either a single paper or a series of related papers may be submitted. In either case, a summary, not exceeding 1000 words and including not more than two diagrams, must be attached as well. This summary should explain the working hypothesis investigated and give a critical appraisal of the results obtained with the methods applied and the conclusions drawn therefrom. Where other authors have taken part in the study concerned, the personal contribution of the candidate must be clearly defined. All scientific collaborators in the investigation must be stated by name as co-authors. Manuscripts that have been accepted for publication but have not yet appeared in print may be submitted. Published papers must be submitted as PDF reprints and must have appeared not longer than three years before the closing date for entries. Unsuccessful applicants may resubmit published or unpublished papers for an award in later years.
IV. Invitations to compete for the Robert Feulgen Prize will be published annually in the scientific press, during the summer preceding the year of the award, by the Secretary of the Society. The announcement shall indicate the sources from which information about the Prize may be obtained. The closing date for entries will be 31 March in the year following the announcement.
V. Manuscripts submitted by candidates for the Prize will be judged by an Adjudication Committee consisting of three members of the Society together with two other experts entitled to vote. The former shall be elected by the plenary assembly of the membership of the society for a term of three years, on the expire of which they shall be eligible for re-election. Of the three, at least one shall be an anatomist and one a pathologist. The three adjudicators appointed by the membership of the Society shall elect, by unanimous vote, two additional experts (with powers to vote) for a term of one year. Further non-voting experts may be invited to serve on the Adjudication Committee.
VI. The procedure to be followed in judging the manuscripts submitted will be laid down in the Standing Orders of the Adjudication Committee.
VII. The decision of the Adjudication Committee shall be final.
VIII. In the event of none of the manuscripts submitted being deemed worthy of the Prize, no award shall be made during the year in question.
IX. The Prize winner will be notified immediately of the decision of the Adjudication Committee by the Secretary of the Society and invited to receive the prize in person. The Prize will be presented by the President of the Society at the opening session of the next appropriate meeting of the Society. If no meeting is held in the course of a year, the Prize will be presented at the meeting the year after, together with the Prize for the current year. The name of the Prize winner will be communicated to the scientific press for publication by the Secretary of the Society immediately after the announcement of the Adjudication Committee's decision.