This is a traditional prestigious lecture given at the annual symposium of the Society for Histochemistry by excellent scientists who greatly contributed to microscopy and histochemistry. The lecture is usuallly given at the opening night of the annual Symposia.
Robert Feulgen Lectures:
- 2020 Prague, Czech Republic
Ohad Medalia, Zurich, Switzerland
From actin to lamins by in situ structural biology
- 2019 Prague, Czech Republic
Toyoshi Fujimoto, Tokyo, Japan
Nuclear lipid droplets in mammalian cells
- 2018 Prague, Czech Republic
Christoph Cremer, Mainz, Germany
Nuclear Genome Nanostructure Imaging at Single Molecule Resolution
- 2017 Prague, Czech Republic
Theodore Alexandrov, Heidelberg, Germany
Metabolite imaging enabled by mass spectrometry and big data analytics
- 2015 Vienna, Austria
Wendy Bickmore, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Transcription, chromatin structure and nuclear organisation: cause and consequence
- 2014 Prague, Czech Republic
Ron Heeren, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Molecular scales: Imaging signals of disease with mass spectrometry
- 2013 Prague, Czech Republic
Robert D. Goldman, Chicago, USA
Intermediate Filaments: Rare Diseases Provide Insights Into Their Cytoskeletal and Nucleoskeletal Functions
- 2012 Vienna, Austria
Marianne Bronner, Pasadena, CA, USA
Regulatory analysis and imaging of neural crest formation and migration
- 2011 Munich, Germany
R. M. Caprioli, USA
Molecular imaging of tissue sections by mass spectometry: Providing information beyond the microscope
- 2010 Prague, Czech Republic
S. W. Hell, Göttingen, Germany
- 2009 Fulpmes, Austria
P. J. Peters, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Cellular organelles as nanomachines
- 2008 Interlaken, Switzerland
K. Takata, Maebashi, Japan
Localization and trafficking of aquaporin 2 in the kidney
- 2007 Freiburg, Germany
M. Frotscher, Freiburg, Germany
New ways of looking at synapses
- 2006 Stresa, Lake Maggiore Italy
D. Hernandet-Verdun, Paris, France
The nucleolus: a model for the organization of nuclear functions
- 2005 Noordwijkerhout, Netherland
M. Dahan, Paris, France
From analog to digital: exploring cell dynamics with single quantum dots
- 2004 Prague, Czech Republic
St. Fakan, Lausanne, Switzerland
The functional architecture of the nucleus as analyzed by ultrastructural cytochemistry
- 2003 Les Diablerets, Switzerland
A. Engel, Basel, Switzerland
Structure and function of membrane channels
- 2002 Vlissingen, The Netherlands
T. Misteli, Bethesda, MD, USA
New views of the cell: Genomics, proteomics and dynamic networks
- 2001 Vienna, Austria
R. G. W. Anderson, Dallas, TX, USA
Caveolae spatially organize signal transduction at the cell surface
- 2000 Les Diablerets, Switzerland
J. Lippincott-Schwartz, Bethesda, MD, USA
Dynamic fluorescence imaging of living cells
- 1999 Gargellen, Austria
A. Willie, Cambridge, UK
Apoptosis in the genesis and treatment of cancer
- 1998 Giessen, Germany
D. Vestweber, Münster, Germany
Molecular mechanisms that control leukocyte extravasation
- 1997 Jena, Germany
K. Simons, Heidelberg, Germany
Biogenesis of a polarized cell surface in epithelial cells
- 1996 Gargellen, Austria
M. Trendelenburg, Heidelberg, Germany
Novel insights into the nucleolar structural complexity and function
- 1995 Rigi-Kaltbad, Switzerland
D. Shotton, Oxford, UK
Electronic light microscopy: Past, present, future
- 1994 Heidelberg, Germany
M. J. Karnovsky, Boston, MA, USA
Cytochemistry and oxy radicals
- 1993 Gargellen, Austria
S. Rosen, San Francisco, CA, USA
L-selection and its endogenous ligands
- 1992 Munich, Germany
G. Klein, Stockholm, Sweden
The contribution of encogenes and tumor supressor genes to the multistep development of cancer
- 1991 Ghent, Belgium
J. E. Dumont, Brusels, Belgium
The surface receptors in the model of the thyroid cell
- 1990 Gargellen, Austria
M. N. Moore, Plymouth, UK
Environmental distress signals: cellular reactions to marine pollution
- 1989 Gargellen, Austria
W. W. franke, Heidelberg, Germany
The intermediate filament cytoskeleton and its association with other structures
- 1988 Gargellen, Austria
L. I. Larsson, Copenhagen, Denmark
Cytochemical detection of regulatory peptides and of mRNA molecules coding for peptide precursors
- 1987 Basel, Switzerland
W. J. Gehring, Basel, Switzerland
The generation of the body plan as studied by in situ hybridization in the developing embryo
- 1986 Gargellen, Austria
G. C. Bennet, Montreal, Canada
Radioautographic and cytochemical studies of the synthesis and intracellular transport of glycoproteins
- 1985 Göttingen, Germany
K. Weber, Göttingen, Germany
Cytoskeletal proteins: structure, function, pathology
- 1984 Maastricht, The Netherlands
I. B. Black, New York, USA
Phenotypic plasticity in the nervous system
- 1983 Gargellen, Austria
A. G. E. Pearse, London, UK
The phylogeny of the diffuse neuroendocrine system
- 1982 Gargellen, Austria
W. E. Stumpf, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Histochemical characteristics and significance of cell receptors in biology and pathology
- 1981 Münster, Germany
G. Pfefferkon, Münster, Germany
Histochemische Analyse mit Licht - und Elektronenstrahlen
- 1980 Würzburg, Germany
L. A. Sternberger, Rochester, NY, USA
Immunocytochemistry - Past, present, future
- 1979 Gargellen, Austria
O. Eränkö, Helsinki, Finland
Histochemical observations on the distribution of catecholamines and catecholamine-synthesizing enzymes in the nerve cells and SIF cells of the sympathetic ganglion